IBM Books

User's Guide


Many of the tasks performed with Deployment Manager are performed as jobs. The Jobs task panel provides a way for you to manage these jobs.

To display the Jobs task panel, click Jobs from the navigation tree.

The Jobs task panel is divided into these panes:

You can display the help panel for the Jobs task panel by clicking Help.

Job Filter Pane

The Job Filter pane provides a way to search the Deployment Manager database for jobs. The Filter pane is a table containing these columns:

After entering data in the Filter pane, click Apply Filter to display the results of the search in the Jobs List pane.

Job Filter Properties

You can search on these job properties:
This property... Is used to describe...

Job ID

The identifier for a job. Jobs are numbered sequentially within the NwDM database.

Job Type

How the job was scheduled. Job Type can have one of these values:

  • LEARN2210 - jobs scheduled as Learn 2210 tasks
  • LEARN2212 - jobs scheduled as Learn 2212 tasks
  • LEARN2216 - jobs scheduled as Learn 2216 tasks
  • LEARN8275m416 - jobs scheduled as Learn 8275 Model 416 tasks
  • AUDIT2210 - jobs scheduled as Audit 2210 tasks
  • AUDIT2212 - jobs scheduled as Audit 2212 tasks
  • AUDIT2216 - jobs scheduled as Audit 2216 tasks
  • AUDIT8275m416 - jobs scheduled as Audit 8275 Model 416 tasks
  • SYNCHDB - jobs scheduled as Synchronize Databases tasks
  • UPDATE2210 - jobs scheduled as Update 2210 tasks
  • UPDATE2212 - jobs scheduled as Update 2212 tasks
  • UPDATE2216 - jobs scheduled as Update 2216 tasks
  • UPDATE8275m416 - jobs scheduled as Update 8275 Model 416 tasks
  • UPGCFG2210 - jobs scheduled as Upgrade 2210 configuration task
  • UPGCFG2212 - jobs scheduled as Upgrade 2212 configuration task
  • UPGCFG2216 - jobs scheduled as Upgrade 2216 configuration tasks

Earliest Start

The earliest date and time that the job can be started. The date and time are based on the time zone of the server where the NwDM database is stored.

The Earliest Start property has the format yy/mm/dd:hh/mn d where:

  • yy is the year (1-99)
  • mm is the month (1-12)
  • dd is the day of the month (1-31)
  • hh is the hour of the day (1-24)
  • mn is the minute of the hour (1-60)
  • d is either AM (before noon) or PM (before midnight)

Latest Start

The Latest Start property is the latest date and time that the job can be started. If the job is not started by this date and time, it will not start at all.

The date and time are based on the time zone of the server where the NwDM database is stored.

The Latest Start property has the format yy/mm/dd hh:mn d where:

  • yy is the year (1-99)
  • mm is the month (1-12)
  • dd is the day of the month (1-31)
  • hh is the hour of the day (1-24)
  • mn is the minute of the hour (1-60)
  • d is either AM (before noon) or PM (before midnight)


The status of the job, which can be:

  • Scheduled - the job is scheduled, but has not started
  • Running - the job has started and is currently running
  • Stopped - the job has stopped due to an error. The Job Log displays the details about the error.
  • Finished - the job completed successfully.

For jobs that have a status of Stopped or Finished, the Job Log contains additional information about the Job Log.

Started At

The date and time that the job actually started. The date and time are based on the time zone of the server where the NwDM database is stored.

The Started At property has the format yy/mm/dd hh:mn d where:

  • yy is the year (1-99)
  • mm is the month (1-12)
  • dd is the day of the month (1-31)
  • hh is the hour of the day (1-24)
  • mn is the minute of the hour (1-60)
  • d is either AM (before noon) or PM (before midnight)

Finished At

The date and time that the job completed (either stopped or finished). The date and time are based on the time zone of the server where the NwDM database is stored.

The Finished At property has the format yy/mm/dd hh:mn d where:

  • yy is the year (1-99)
  • mm is the month (1-12)
  • dd is the day of the month (1-31)
  • hh is the hour of the day (1-24)
  • mn is the minute of the hour (1-60)
  • d is either AM (before noon) or PM (before midnight)

Created At

The date and time that the job was scheduled. The date and time are based on the time zone of the server where the NwDM database is stored.

The Created At property has the format yy/mm/dd hh:mn d where:

  • yy is the year (1-99)
  • mm is the month (1-12)
  • dd is the day of the month (1-31)
  • hh is the hour of the day (1-24)
  • mn is the minute of the hour (1-60)
  • d is either AM (before noon) or PM (before midnight)

Created By

The user ID that scheduled the job. The user ID is based on the ID entered on the Set User task panel.


The Job ID of the job that is scheduled to run before this job runs. The predecessor job must complete successfully (have a status of finished) before this job can start.


A summary of events that occurred while the job ran. The job log provides detailed information about the job.

Job Filter Comparison Operators

Over time the number of job records stored in the NwDM database can grow to be quite large. Using comparison operators allow you to refine your search of the database so that only job records that meet specific criteria are returned. For a list of the comparison operators and information about entering data into the Job Record filter, see Working with Deployment Manager Filters and Tables.

Jobs List Pane

The results of the search from the Job Filter are displayed in the Jobs List task pane.

The Jobs List task pane displays each job as a separate row. To select a job, click in anywhere in the row, which highlights the row. Use one of these methods to select multiple jobs:

Information about the job is displayed in each of the columns. To reorder the columns, press Ctrl and Shift keys, and then click on the header of the column you want to move. The cursor changes to a hand. Drag the cursor to the desired location and release both keys.

You can also sort the Jobs List by the values in a column. Click the column header to sort the Jobs List in ascending order by the values in that column. Click the column header again to sort the values for that column in descending order.

Jobs List Action Buttons

Use the Jobs List action button to perform actions on one or more selected jobs. These action buttons are displayed for the Jobs List task pane:

Clicking this button...

Performs this action...

Select All

Selects all jobs listed in the Jobs List task pane.

Unselect All

Deselects all selected jobs listed in the Jobs List task pane.

Delete Selected...

Delete job records from the NwDM database. The Confirm Job Delete dialog is displayed. Click Yes to delete the jobs.

Delete Log of selected...

Delete job logs from the NwDM database. The Confirm Job Log Delete dialog is displayed. Click Yes to delete job logs.

Kill selected...

Stop jobs that are currently processing. The Confirm Killing Jobs dialog is displayed. Click Yes to stop processing.

Restart selected...

Restart stopped jobs. The Confirm Restarting Jobs dialog is displayed. Click Yes to restart the job.

Jobs List Pop-Up Menu

To display the Jobs List pop-up menu, select one or more rows and right click.

In addition to the actions available from the action buttons, these actions are available from the Jobs List pop-up menu:


Performs this action...

Hide Column...

Displays the Visible Column dialog, which allows you to hide one or more columns in the Jobs List task pane. From the Visible Column dialog, click the columns that you want to hide and click Ok.

Show Column...

Displays the Hidden Column dialog, which allows you to display columns in the Jobs List task pane. From the Hidden Column dialog, click the columns that you want to appear in the Jobs List and click Ok.

For example, these columns are hidden by default in the Jobs List task pane:

  • Latest start
  • Created by
  • Created at
  • Predecessor

Go to Row...

Displays the Go to Row dialog, which allows you to go to a specified row in the Jobs List task pane. From the Go to Row dialog, type a row number and click Ok. The cursor is displayed at that row in the Jobs List task pane.


Displays the Print dialog, which allows you to print selected job records. From the Print dialog, verify the print information is correct and click Print.

Print Preview...

Displays a preview of how the selected job records will print. Click Close to return to the Jobs List task pane.

Job Details Pane

The Job Details task pane displays specific properties about a selected job. The properties displayed in the Job Details task pane for a job are determined by the type of job. For example, the Reload Option property specifies when a device is restarted after a new configuration has been loaded into the device. This property is maintained only for Update Configuration job types. It has no meaning for any other job types.

In addition to the fields listed in the Job Filter task pane, these fields are displayed for AUDIT2210, AUDIT2212, AUDIT2216, and AUDIT8275m416 job types:
This property... Is used to describe...

Device ID

The identifier of the device for which this job applies.


The version number of the configuration. You can have multiple versions of a configuration stored in NwDM for each device. Configuration versions are numbered sequentially starting with zero (0).

In addition to the fields listed in the Job Filter task pane, these fields are displayed for LEARN8275m416 job types:
This property... Is used to describe...

Device ID

The identifier of the device for which this job applies.


The version number of the configuration. You can have multiple versions of a configuration stored in NwDM for each device. Configuration versions are numbered sequentially starting with zero (0).

In addition to the fields listed in the Job Filter task pane, these fields are displayed for LEARN2210, LEARN2212, and LEARN2216 job types:
This property... Is used to describe...

Device ID

The identifier of the device for which this job applies.


The version number of the configuration. You can have multiple versions of a configuration stored in NwDM for each device. Configuration versions are numbered sequentially starting with zero (0).

Upload Image

Used to specify whether or not the load image for the device is loaded in the NwDM database. The Upload Image can be:

  • True. The load image is loaded into the database
  • False. The load image is not loaded into the database

These fields are displayed for the UPGCFG2210 job type:
This property... Is used to describe...

Device ID

The identifier of the device for which this job applies.


The version number of the configuration. You can have multiple versions of a configuration stored in NwDM for each device. Configuration versions are numbered sequentially starting with zero (0).

Create New Version

Whether or not a New version should be created in the NwDM database when the configuration version is upgraded. The Create New Version can be:

  • True. NwDM creates a new version in the database.
  • False. NwDM does not create a new version.

Load Image

The name of the load image associated with a configuration.

Image Version

The software version to which the load image applies.

Image Release

The software release to which the load image applies.

Use Latest PROM

Whether or not the latest PROM level that is compatible with the 2210 device is to be used when the configuration is upgraded. The Use Latest PROM property can be:

  • True. Use the latest PROM level when the configuration is upgraded.
  • False. Do not use the latest PROM level.

PROM Level

The PROM level to be used when the configuration is upgraded.

These fields are displayed for the UPGCFG2212 and UPGCFG2216 job types:
This property... Is used to describe...

Device ID

The identifier of the device for which this job applies.


The version number of the configuration. You can have multiple versions of a configuration stored in NwDM for each device. Configuration versions are numbered sequentially starting with zero (0).

Create New Version

Whether or not a New version should be created in the NwDM database when the configuration version is upgraded. The Create New Version can be:

  • True. NwDM creates a new version in the database.
  • False. NwDM does not create a new version.

Load Image

The name of the load image associated with a configuration.

Image Version

The software version to which the load image applies.

Image Release

The software release to which the load image applies.

These fields are displayed for the UPDATE2210, UPDATE2212, and UPDATE2216 job types:
This property... Is used to describe...

Device ID

The identifier of the device for which this job applies.

From Version

The version number of the configuration that is listed as the Active configuration for the 2210, 2212, or 2216 device.

To Version

The version number of the configuration to which the 2210, 2212, or 2216 is going to be updated.

Reload Option

When the 2210, 2212, or 2216 is restarted after the configuration has been loaded into the device. The Reload Option can be:

  • No Reload. Do not restart the device. However, the configuration will not take effect until the device has been restarted.
  • Reload Immediately. Restart the device as soon as the configuration has been downloaded into the device.
  • Timed Load. Restart the device at the date and time specified by the Timed Load property.

Timed Load

If the Reload Option property is set to Timed Load, the date and time that the device is to be restarted. The date and time are based on the time zone of the server where the NwDM database is stored.

The Timed Load property has the format yy/mm/dd hh:mn d where:

  • yy is the year (1-99)
  • mm is the month (1-12)
  • dd is the day of the month (1-31)
  • hh is the hour of the day (1-24)
  • mn is the minute of the hour (1-60)
  • d is either AM (before noon) or PM (before midnight)

Bank Option

The disposition of load images that are currently loaded in the 2210, 2212, or 2216. The Bank Option can be:

  • Erase None. Do not erase any files that are currently stored in the device.
  • Erase Inactive if Needed. Erase any files stored in the device (except the active image file), if necessary, to make run for the new configuration.
  • Erase Any. Erase all files stored in the device.


Indicates the current state of the update job. The State can be:

  • Init. The initial phase.
  • Prepare. The Prepare phase. During the Prepare phase, NwDM performs these actions:
    • Loads the code and configuration on the TFTP server.
    • Deactivates timed load.
    • Erases IDB banks (based on option in Erase IBD property).
    • Downloads the code and configuration as needed.
    • Modifies the status of the "from" configuration loaded in the NwDM database to Obsolescent and the "to" configuration to Nascent.
  • Perform. The Perform phase. During the Perform phase, NwDM performs these actions:
    • Verifies the contents of the IBD.
    • Verifies the 2210, 2212, or 2216 boot entries.
    • Reloads or restarts the device depending on the Reload option.
  • Verify. The Verify phase. During the Verify phase, NwDM performs these actions:
    • Verifies the PROM image (for the 2210), the load image, and the configuration.
    • Modifies the status of the configuration loaded in the NwDM database of the "from" configuration to Inactive and the "to" configuration to Active.

Configuration File Name

The actual filename of the configuration file as it will be stored in the IBD and on the TFTP server.

Configuration File Checking

How NwDM checks the configuration file loaded in the device against the configuration file in the NwDM database. The Configuration File Checking can be:

  • Disallow mismatches. If the two files do not match, the Update configuration job stops with an error.
  • Allow mismatches. Even if the two files do not match, the Update configuration job continues.

Stop At State

The state at which the update configuration should stop processing. The Stop At State can be:

  • Init. The initial phase.
  • Prepare. The Prepare phase. During the Prepare phase, NwDM performs these actions:
    • Loads the code and configuration on the TFTP server.
    • Deactivates timed load.
    • Erases IDB banks (based on option in Erase IBD property).
    • Downloads the code and configuration as needed.
    • Modifies the status of the "from" configuration loaded in the NwDM database to Obsolescent and the "to" configuration to Nascent.
  • Perform. The Perform phase. During the Perform phase, NwDM performs these actions:
    • Verifies the contents of the IBD.
    • Verifies the 2210, 2212, or 2216 boot entries.
    • Reloads or restarts the device.
  • Verify. The Verify phase. During the Verify phase, NwDM performs these actions:
    • Verifies the PROM image (for the 2210), the load image, and the configuration.
    • Modifies the status of the configuration loaded in the NwDM database to either Inactive or Active.

These fields are displayed for the UPDATE8275m416 job types:
This property... Is used to describe...

Device ID

The identifier of the device for which this job applies.

From Version

The version number of the configuration that is listed as the Active configuration for the 8275-416 device.

To Version

The version number of the configuration to which the 8275-416 is going to be updated.

Reset Option

When the 8275-416 is restarted after the configuration has been loaded into the device. The Reload Option can be:

  • No Reload. Do not restart the device. However, the configuration will not take effect until the device has been restarted.
  • Reload Immediately. Restart the device as soon as the configuration has been downloaded into the device.
  • Timed Load. Restart the device at the date and time specified by the Timed Load property.

Reset Started At

The Reset Started At property has the format yy/mm/dd hh:mn d where:

  • yy is the year (1-99)
  • mm is the month (1-12)
  • dd is the day of the month (1-31)
  • hh is the hour of the day (1-24)
  • mn is the minute of the hour (1-60)
  • d is either AM (before noon) or PM (before midnight)


Indicates the current state of the update job. The State can be:

  • Init. The initial phase.
  • Prepare. The Prepare phase. During the Prepare phase, NwDM performs these actions:
    • Loads the code and configuration on the TFTP server.
    • Deactivates timed load.
    • Downloads the code and configuration as needed.
    • Modifies the status of the "from" configuration loaded in the NwDM database to Obsolescent and the "to" configuration to Nascent.
  • Perform. The Perform phase. During the Perform phase, NwDM performs these actions:
    • Verifies the 8275-416 boot entries.
    • Reloads or restarts the device depending on the Reload option.
  • Verify. The Verify phase. During the Verify phase, NwDM modifies the status of the configuration loaded in the NwDM database of the "from" configuration to Inactive and the "to" configuration to Active.

Configuration File Name

The actual filename of the configuration file as it will be stored in the device and on the TFTP server.

Download Option

How NwDM checks the configuration file loaded in the device against the configuration file in the NwDM database. The Download Option can be:

  • Disallow mismatches. If the two files do not match, the Update configuration job stops with an error.
  • Allow mismatches. Even if the two files do not match, the Update configuration job continues.

Upload Option

The Upload Option can be

  • Init. The initial phase.
  • Prepare. The Prepare phase. During the Prepare phase, NwDM performs these actions:
    • Loads the code and configuration on the TFTP server.
    • Deactivates timed load.
    • Downloads the code and configuration as needed.
    • Modifies the status of the "from" configuration loaded in the NwDM database to Obsolescent and the "to" configuration to Nascent.
  • Perform. The Perform phase. During the Perform phase, NwDM performs these actions:
    • Verifies the 2210 or 2212 boot entries.
    • Reloads or restarts the device.
  • Verify. The Verify phase. During the Verify phase, NwDM performs these actions:
    • Verifies the PROM image (for the 2210), the load image, and the configuration.
    • Modifies the status of the configuration loaded in the NwDM database to either Inactive or Active.

Stop At State

The state at which the update configuration should stop processing. The Stop At State can be:

  • Init. The initial phase.
  • Prepare. The Prepare phase. During the Prepare phase, NwDM performs these actions:
    • Loads the code and configuration on the TFTP server.
    • Deactivates timed load.
    • Downloads the code and configuration as needed.
    • Modifies the status of the "from" configuration loaded in the NwDM database to Obsolescent and the "to" configuration to Nascent.
  • Perform. The Perform phase. During the Perform phase, NwDM performs these actions:
    • Verifies the 2210, 2212, or 2216 boot entries.
    • Reloads or restarts the device.
  • Verify. The Verify phase. During the Verify phase, NwDM performs these actions:
    • Verifies the load image and the configuration.
    • Modifies the status of the configuration loaded in the NwDM database to either Inactive or Active.

Editing Job Details

From the Job Details task pane, you can make changes to job properties and run the job again. To edit the properties for a job, click in the cell containing the property value, and type in the new information. Then, press Enter or move the cursor to another property value. When all changes are complete, click Apply Changes.

The editable properties for jobs of type SYNCHDB are:

The editable properties for jobs of type LEARN2210, LEARN2212, or LEARN2216 are:

The editable properties for jobs of type AUDIT2210 or AUDIT2212 are:

The editable properties for jobs of type UPDATE2210, UPDATE2212, or UPDATE2216 are:

The editable properties for jobs of type UPDATE9285m416 are:

The editable properties for jobs of type UPGCFG2210, UPGCFG2212, or UPGCFG2216 are:

Job Details Action Buttons

Use the Jobs Details action button to perform actions on one or more selected jobs. These action buttons are displayed for the Job Details task pane:

Clicking this button...

Performs this action...

Apply Changes

Applies the changes made when you edited the job details.

Delete job

Deletes the job record from the NwDM database.

Restart job

Restarts a stopped job. Typically, you will click Restart job after editing the job details.

View log

Displays the job log for this job. The job log provides specific information about job processing.

Delete log

Deletes the job log from the NwDM database.

Kill job

Stops a job from processing.

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